The Mandelbrot has been around for about 30 years.
Basically it's a fractal rendered in 2D.
About 20 years ago, the idea of a three dimensional
rendering was conceived although the
technology required to render it was not available.
In 2007, partially rendered 3D models became
manageable and with the help of programmers and
enthusiasts, there are now fully 3D renderings of
Mendelbrots, called Mandelbulbs in their new form.
The previous images are all zoomed - in details
from the larger Mandelbulb below.
Basically it's a fractal rendered in 2D.
About 20 years ago, the idea of a three dimensional
rendering was conceived although the
technology required to render it was not available.
In 2007, partially rendered 3D models became
manageable and with the help of programmers and
enthusiasts, there are now fully 3D renderings of
Mendelbrots, called Mandelbulbs in their new form.
The previous images are all zoomed - in details
from the larger Mandelbulb below.